Mentor/Mentee Luncheon Program

Reserve Your Seat for the 2023 Mentor-Mentee Luncheons

In the Society's continuing commitment to support mentoring as a vital and valuable professional service, a series of mentor-mentee luncheons will be held during the Annual Meeting to assist students, early-career professionals, and those in career transition to develop mentoring relationships with established professionals in the field. The luncheons will be held during the lunch breaks on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (October 24th, 25th, & 26th). Complimentary lunch will be provided to attendees.  The restaurant is a 0.3 mile mainly flat surface walk from the Washington Hilton Hotel.

Celebrating its 19th year, this luncheon series has provided mentoring opportunities for more than 1,300 HFES members. Previous participants have included some of the Society's most distinguished members, with representatives from top companies and universities. We expect many such professionals to join us this year, with different ones participating each day. To keep the luncheons intimate and informal, attendance will be limited to twenty students/early career professionals/career transitional members and five mentors per session.

To reserve your place as a mentee, complete the online registration form at:

Be sure to select the mentee option. Reservations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, and a waiting list will be established in case of cancellations.

To ensure the success of this initiative, we also need involvement from highly regarded professionals in the HF/E field. In order to participate as a mentor, please complete the online registration form and selecte the Mentop option at:

If further information is needed, please contact Mentor-Mentee Luncheon Coordinator by email at Baron C. Summers.