

Take your career to the next step by joining the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society! With members located throughout the United States and in more than 50 other nations, HFES is the largest multidisciplinary professional organization in the world for individuals in the HF/E field. Members include students, psychologists, engineers, designers, scientists, usability professionals, and others - all of whom have a common interest in designing systems and equipment to be safe and effective for the people who operate and maintain them. Members are employed in industries, universities and colleges, government agencies, consulting firms, military research centers, public utilities, and other settings. Explore the benefits of membership in HFES.

To become our newest member, create an account, select your membership type, add Technical Group memberships at your option, and remit your dues payment. 

HFES has 27 Technical Groups focused on niche topics, local and student chapters, and Affinity Groups.

Membership Categories

Click on the membership category most applicable to you to apply for membership in HFES.  All dues amounts are USD.

Full Member: $260
Any person with a minimum of five full-time years of applicable experience in human factors work who also has a bachelor's degree, master's degree, or doctorate from a regionally accredited institution may join HFES as a Full Member. There is a one-time application fee of $20. Full members may vote and hold elected office.

Associate Member: $260
Any person with a minimum of two years full-time, relevant experience and is active in the human factors and ergonomics field shall be eligible to become an Associate Member of the Society. Associate Members may serve on committees and are entitled to publication and meeting registration discounts but may not vote, hold office, or represent themselves as Full Members of the Society. There is a one-time application fee of $20.

Affiliate Member: $260
Any person interested in the human factors/ergonomics discipline who does not qualify for Full or Associate Membership may join HFES as an Affiliate Member. Affiliate Members may serve on committees and are entitled to publication and meeting registration discounts but may not vote, hold office, or represent themselves as Full Members of the Society. There is a one-time application fee of $20.

Student Affiliate Member: $35
Any person enrolled as a full-time undergraduate or graduate student at an accredited college or university may join as a Student Affiliate Member. Student Affiliate membership requires an endorser: a faculty member from the student's institution.  To obtain the Student Affiliate rate, you must select "Current Student" in the "Highest Degree Obtained" field in your database record profile.

Early Career Associate Member: $125
This membership category is for those who were active Student Affiliate Members who have completed an undergraduate or graduate degree. The specially discounted rate applies for two years following graduation. Only Student Affiliate Members in good standing are eligible; there is no application for Early Career Associate Membership and assignment to this category can only be achieved by contacting the membership staff at HFES. There is no application fee.

Corresponding Member: $50
Corresponding Membership in HFES is available to any person living outside of the United States who is interested in the discipline of human factors and ergonomics, and who is a member of an IEA Federated Society. Corresponding members shall be entitled to receive online access to the publications usually distributed to members, but may not be elected to any office of the Association, vote at a General Meeting, be elevated to Fellow status, or become Emeritus Members of HFES. Benefits include online access to the complete archive library (more than 25,000 articles) and access to online-published articles available before print for: Human Factors, Ergonomics in Design, and Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making. Additional benefits include an annual subscription to the HFES Bulletin, career-advancing opportunities via our members-only online job board, and a member listing in the HFES Membership Directory.

Emeritus Member: $70 (one-time dues payment)
Any Full Member in good standing for ten or more years immediately preceding their application for Emeritus membership shall qualify provided they are:  (1) at least 60 years of age, (2) retired, and (3) do not derive significant income from the practice of human factors. Further, any Full Member in good standing for ten or more years immediately preceding their application to become an Emeritus Member shall qualify if they (1) had to retire, at any age, due to a disability and (2) do not derive significant income from the practice of human factors.  For a one-time payment, Emeritus Members receive lifetime discounts on meeting registration rates and HFES publications.  Membership in technical groups is separate and must be renewed annually. Contact HFES staff for assistance in transitioning to Emeritus Member.

Membership Benefits

HFES Members have access to a variety of resources that allow them to connect with fellow HF/E professionals and stay up to date on the latest research.

Benefits Include:

  • Journals and Publications
  • Discounts on Conference Registration
  • Human Factors/Ergonomics Advocacy
  • Access to Job Postings
  • Technical Groups
  • Access to Content in the HFES Learning Center
  • Webinars
  • Local and Student Chapters

View All Membership Benefits

Discounted Dues and Dues Waivers

HFES recognizes the considerable benefit that academicians, practitioners, and others from emerging nations can gain from our Society. Discounted dues for those from emerging countries are $75 for Full, Associate, and Affiliate Membership and $15 for Students. Please review the list of designated countries to learn if you are eligible for a discounted rate.  

For those members with a need for financial assistance, a dues waiver program has been established for those meeting certain conditions. 

Term of Membership

Memberships are for a calendar year, from January 1 to December 31. Members joining prior to October 1 have access to all publications for the current year and to more than 20,000 archived articles and abstracts. Members who join after October 1 have access to all publications immediately and do not need to renew until the end of the following year.