Lightning Lessons

Lightning Lessons Submission Form
(Clicking this link will take you to an external Microsoft 365 form) 

HFES is committed to expanding opportunities for ASPIRE attendees at all stages of their research and careers to share their work and receive feedback from colleagues. ASPIRE will offer a new presentation format­–Lighting Lessons. The goal of the Lightning Lessons presentation format is to spark new conversations and collaborations with fast-paced presentations. It’s a great opportunity to learn about the work of your colleagues in a relatively brief period. 

We are accepting submissions for talks from experienced speakers, but also new speakers and students. Acceptable topics are any subjects within the broad scope of human factors and ergonomics. The submission deadline is August 1, 2024.

What Is a Lightning Lesson?

Lightning lesson presentations are short-form talks unlike traditional meeting presentations, panels or lectures. Each speaker gets seven (7) to minutes to present and may use a limited number of slides.

The point of a Lightning Lesson presentation is to briefly present the main point, not to give a detailed talk. Cover a single topic, start with the good stuff and end by making a point. If there’s one technique or technology you wish everyone knew, one little-known fact that should be well-known, one tool that makes your life easier every day or a collection of little things that you can fit into seven (7) minutes, you can propose a lighting talk­–and you should!

Like an “elevator pitch,” this presentation format challenges presenters to delineate the highlights of their work and explain its importance in a very brief period. The brevity of presentations in the Lightning Lesson offers the chance for exposure to a wide variety of topics and encourages continued feedback and engagement after the session. Lightning lessons are less formal and provide presenters with a low-pressure environment in which to share their work. Lighting lesson presentations cannot be a commercial pitch/presentation. However, we will be invite paying exhibitors to deliver one lesson each to explain how their products/services can be used in the HF/E environment.

How to Submit a Lighting Lesson for Consideration

We invite abstracts that promote visionary ideas, report on challenging problems and share recent results and lessons learned. The body of the abstract may be up to 250 words. The content of your abstract should provide a clear outline of what you plan to convey in your presentation, i.e., problem/question, methods/approach, outcomes/findings and key takeaways.

Lighting lesson presentation abstracts will be uploaded to the ASPIRE website for advance review by ASPIRE attendees. All uploads will follow the same format:

  1. Title (Your title should be engaging and understandable by all audiences)
  2. Presenter/Corresponding Author
  3. Presenter Affiliation
  4. Presenter Email Address
  5. Co-Authors (if applicable)
  6. Abstract (No more than 250 words)
  7. Keywords (provide a maximum of three)

Important Things to Know

  • Lightning Lesson abstracts will NOT be printed in the proceedings; however, you may cite them on your resume/CV
  • Work that has been submitted to another conference, or is currently under review by another forum, may be submitted for consideration
  • Refer to the HFES Code of Ethics before submitting your work
  • Our planning committee will review all submissions for suitability (e.g., no commercial pitches)
  • Obtain any necessary internal approval (from your employer/institution) of your work before you submit a proposal