HFES Accepting Applications for Student Travel Award Grants

HFES is pleased to offer opportunities for students to apply for funding to aid them in attending the ASPIRE meeting from September 9 - 13, 2024, at the Arizona Biltmore Resort in Phoenix. We invite eligible students to apply for one of these awards below.  Applications for these awards are due no later than July 15.. Faculty members must coordinate to ensure that no student is nominated more than one time.  One may only apply for one or the other travel award and a limited number of awards are available.

Travel Award for First-Year Graduate Students

The Travel Award for First-Year Graduate Students supplies $500 for graduate students who are in the first year of their academic program (entered the program no earlier than the fall of 2023) to support their travel to the annual meeting. Students must be members of HFES at the time of application. Applicants who submit completed applications will be randomly selected. Application form: Application for Travel Award for First-Year Graduate Students.

Student Presenter Award

The Student Presenter Award supplies $500 to students who are authors of accepted papers or posters for the HFES Annual Meeting to support their travel-related expenses. The student must be listed as the presenting author of the associated work at the time of submission. Students must also be members of HFES at the time of application. Nominations for this award must be submitted by a faculty member in the student's program. The nominator does not have to be an advisor or coauthor of the work. Travel awards will be assessed based on need and, in the case of multiple qualified applicants, randomly. Full details and the application form:  Student Presenter Award Application.

Students may only apply for one of these two awards. Awardees will be mailed a check immediately following the annual meeting.