
Technical Groups

Under the auspices of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society are 27 HFES Technical Groups concerned with the human factors/ergonomics aspects of specific application areas. The objectives of the HFES Technical Groups are to:

  • Consider issues in the field of interest and analyze the implications of these issues from a human factors perspective
  • Clarify the need for and encourage human factors research, application, and education in the field of interest
  • Provide opportunities for technical interchange among professionals in the field of interest
  • Disseminate information from the field of interest to members of the technical group, the Society, and the public
  • Provide leadership in the field of interest by, for example, establishing cooperative efforts with professional and technical organizations outside the Society
  • Promote opportunities for growth in professional skills and knowledge of Society members within the field of interest.

Each Technical Group (TG) is led by a team of elected and volunteer officers.  The chair of each TG is also a member of the Council of Technical Groups (COTG), which provides support for and oversight of the TGs and is led by the COTG Chair. HFES Operating Rules and guidance for Technical Groups is provided in the Technical Group Handbook.   

How to Join a Technical Group

Membership in HFES is not a requirement for membership in a Technical Group; however, nonmembers must create a free account.  After creating an account, select the Technical Group(s), and remit dues.  Create Your Account.   

Current members may login to their account and select "Membership" and then "Join" from the left-hand gray navigation menu.

Technical Group Circle of Excellence Program

The Technical Group Circle of Excellence (TG CoE) program is an annual program where TGs will strive to meet certain criteria to reach the desired level of achievement. TGs can play a much more vital and visible role in HFES’s desire to grow in size, in those who we engage as members, and those who we serve in the community. To do this, we would like to promote TG’s knowledge both within and outside of HFES to help others learn who we are, what we know, and what we do through this society-wide recognition program.  Learn more about the program and frequently asked questions for more information.  

Featured Technical Group for June: Perception and Performance Technical Group

Join a Technical Group

Membership in Technical Groups is open to members and nonmembers, and dues range from $4 to $7.  Newly joining members may create an account, select their member type, add Technical Group memberships, and remit dues here: Join a Technical Group

Current HFES members may add a Technical Group membership to their account at any time by logging into their HFES account and selecting "Join Technical Group" from the left-hand navigation area.

Explore the Following Technical Groups Based on Topic:

The Aerospace Systems Technical Group is concerned with the application of human factors to the development, design, certification, operation, and maintenance of human-machine systems in aviation and space environments. The group addresses issues for civilian and military systems in the realms of performance and safety.
PDF with additional information   |  Website  |  ASTG Leadership Directory

The Aging Technical Group is concerned with human factors appropriate to meeting the emerging needs of older people and special populations in a wide variety of life settings.
Website  |  ATG Leadership Directory

The Augmented Cognition Technical Group is concerned with fostering the development and application of real-time physiological and neurophysiological sensing technologies that can ascertain a human's cognitive state while interacting with computing-based systems; data classification and integration architectures that enable closed-loop system applications; mitigation (adaptive) strategies that enable efficient and effective system adaptation based on a user's dynamically changing cognitive state; individually tailored training systems; and roadmaps for future directions concerning augmented cognition science and technology and guidelines of use for the technology and the user information that may be garnered from it. The Leland S. Kollmorgen Spirit of Innovation Award was instituted in 2007 by the Augmented Cognition Technical Group in honor of Leland S. Kollmorgen, Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy (Ret.). The award recognizes exceptional scientists and engineers who have made substantial and innovative contributions to the field of Augmented Cognition. The recipient will be someone whose extensive endeavors have pushed the frontiers of discovery, innovation, and design in Augmented Cognition transcending the boundaries of human-systems computing and is a true inspiration to the HSI field.
PDF with additional information  |  Website  |  ACTG Leadership Directory

The Children's Issues Technical Group consists of researchers, practitioners, manufacturers, policymakers, caregivers, and students interested in research, design, and application concerning human factors and ergonomics (HF/E) issues related to children's emerging development from birth to 18. The topic of children inevitably includes caregivers and educators, which too is a main focus, particularly with respect to their perceptions and physical and cognitive tasks. Example application areas include injury prevention, product usability, physical and cognitive maturation, workload and decision-making in varied settings and environments such as home, school, vehicle, recreation, and digital spaces. The scope not only includes products intended for children, but also other products in the environment that present hazards to children. 
PDF with additional information  |  Website  |  CITG Leadership Directory

The Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making Technical Group encourages research on human cognition and decision making and the application of this knowledge to the design of systems and training programs. Emphasis is on considerations of descriptive models, processes, and characteristics of human decision making, alone or in conjunction with other individuals or intelligent systems; factors that affect decision making and cognition in naturalistic task settings; technologies for assisting, modifying, or supplementing human decision making; and training strategies for assisting or influencing decision making.
PDF with additional information  |  Website  |  CEDT Leadership Directory

The Communication Technical Group is concerned with all aspects of human-to-human communication, with special emphasis on communication mediated by technology. Includes telephone services, multimedia communications (e.g., Internet services, Internet telephony, interactive TV, desktop videoconferencing, collaborative communications, and multimedia information services). Includes the design and evaluation of user interfaces of products, systems, and services; enabling technologies such as speech and pen input, telephone, and TV input devices; and infrastructure technologies such as operations software, product documentation, and training.
PDF with additional information  |  CTG Leadership Directory

The Computer Systems Technical Group is concerned with human factors in the design of computer systems. This includes the user-centered design of hardware, software, applications, documentation, work activities, and the work environment. Practitioners and researchers in the CSTG community take a holistic, systems approach to the design and evaluation of all aspects of user-computer interactions. Some goals are to ensure that computer systems are useful, usable, safe, and, where possible, fun; and to enhance the quality of work life and recreational/educational computer use by ensuring that computer interface, function, and job design are interesting and provide opportunities for personal and professional growth.
PDF with additional information  |  Website  |  CSTG Leadership Directory

The Cybersecurity Technical Group was established to serve HFES members and nonmembers who share an interest in studying humans in the context of cyberspace, cybersecurity, and information security (InfoSec). The CYTG promotes the study and observation of how human interaction affects any facet of cybersecurity, and at any level in the system, from end-users of email to military cyber defense teams. Cybersecurity human factors includes the scientific application of all human factors and cognitive as well as emotive concepts, including awareness, workload, stress, teaming, signal detection, decision-making, and attention research.
PDF with additional information  |  CTG Leadership Directory

The Education Technical Group is concerned with (1) the design of educational systems, environments, interfaces, and technologies that facilitate learning; and (2) educating members of HFES and the public about human factors and ergonomics and providing educational materials for that purpose.
PDF with additional information  |  Website  |  ETG Leadership Directory

The Environmental Design Technical Group is concerned with the relationship between human behavior and the designed environment. Common areas of research and interest include ergonomic and macroergonomic aspects of design within home, office, and industrial settings. An overall objective of this group is to foster and encourage the integration of ergonomics principles into the design of environments.
PDF with additional information  |  Website  |  EDTG Leadership Directory

The Extended Reality Technical Group is concerned with human factors issues associated with human-virtual environment interaction. These issues include maximizing human performance efficiency in virtual environments, ensuring health and safety, and circumventing potential social problems through proactive assessment. For VE/VR systems to be effective and well received by their users, researchers need to focus significant efforts on addressing human factors issues. Name changed from Virtual Environments Technical Group to Extended Reality Group on January 27, 2023 
PDF with additional information  |  Website  |  XRTG Leadership Directory

The Forensics Professional Technical Group is concerned with the application of human factors knowledge and techniques to "standards of care" and accountability established within the legislative, regulatory, and judicial systems. The emphasis is on providing a scientific basis to human factors/ergonomics issues raised within these systems.
PDF with additional information  |  FPTG does not currently host a website.  |  FPTG Leadership Directory

The Health Care Technical Group (Formerly Medical Systems and Rehabilitation) The Health Care Technical Group is interested in maximizing the contributions of human factors and ergonomics to medical systems effectiveness and the quality of life of people who are functionally impaired.
PDF with additional information  |  Website  |  HCTG Leadership Directory

The Human-AI-Robot Teaming Technical Group - The Human–AI–Robot Teaming (HART) Technical Group (TG) was established to serve Human Factors and Ergonomics (HFES) members and individuals who share an interest in studying the teamwork among humans, artificial intelligence (AI), and robots, including the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of the human–AI–robot team and team components.
PDF with additional information  |  Website  |  HRTTG Leadership Directory

The Human Performance Modeling Technical Group The Human Performance Modeling Technical Group focuses on the development and application of predictive, reliable, and executable quantitative models of human performance. It considers the human, engaged in some goal-directed behavior, in the context of a specific task environment.
PDF with additional information   |  Website |  HPMTG Leadership Directory

The Individual Differences in Performance Technical Group serves those who share an interest in any of the wide range of personality and individual difference variables that are believed to mediate performance.
PDF with additional information  |  IDPTG Leadership Directory

The Internet Technical Group seeks to create a community for professionals from industry, academia, and government who share a common interest in Internet technologies and related behavioral phenomena. Areas of interest include user interface design of Web content, Web-based applications, Web browsers, Webtops, Web-based user assistance, and Internet devices; behavioral and sociological phenomena associated with distributed network communication; human reliability in administration and maintenance of data networks; and accessibility of Web-based products.   

The Macroergonomics Technical Group (formerly the Organizational Design and Management Technical Group) focuses on organizational design and management issues in human factors and ergonomics as well as work system design and human-organization interface technology. The Technical Group is committed to improving work system performance (e.g., productivity, quality, health and safety, quality of work life) by promoting work system analysis and design practice and the supporting empirical science concerned with the technological subsystem, personnel subsystem, external environment, organizational design, and their interactions.
PDF with additional information  |  MTG Leadership Directory

The Occupational Ergonomics Technical Group (formerly Industrial Ergonomics) is concerned with the application of ergonomics data and principles for improving safety, productivity, and quality of work in industry. It concentrates on service and manufacturing processes, operations, and environments, including the design of products that form the basis of industrial employment.
PDF with additional information  |  Website  |  OETG Leadership Directory

The Perception and Performance Technical Group promotes the exchange of information concerning perception and its relation to human performance. Areas of concern include the nature, content, and quantification of sensory information and the context in which it is displayed; the physics and psychophysics of information display; perceptual and cognitive representation and interpretation of displayed information; assessment of workload using tasks having a significant perceptual component; and actions and behaviors that are consequences of information presented to the various sensory systems.
PDF with additional information  |  Website  |  PPTG Leadership Directory

The Product Design Technical Group is dedicated to developing products that are useful, usable, safe, and desirable. By applying the principles and methods of human factors, user research, ergonomics, and user-centered design, the group works to ensure the success of products sold in the marketplace.
PDF with additional information  |  LinkedIn  |  PDTG Leadership Directory

The Safety Technical Group is concerned with the development and application of human factors technology as it relates to safety in all settings and attendant populations. These include, but are not limited to, aviation, transportation, industry, military, office, public building, recreation, and home environments.
PDF with additional information  |  STG Leadership Directory

The Surface Transportation Technical Group provides a forum for individuals involved or interested in human factors to exchange information, methodologies, and ideas related to the international surface transportation field. Surface transportation encompasses numerous mechanisms for conveying humans and resources: passenger, commercial, and military vehicles, on- and off-road; mass transit; maritime transportation; rail transit, including Vessel Traffic Services (VTS); pedestrian and bicycle traffic; and highway and infrastructure systems, including Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).
PDF with additional information  |  Website  |  STTG Leadership Directory

The Sustainability Technical Group is concerned with the application of human factors and ergonomic principles to systems related to sustainability. Examples include the design of changes in transportation, food, and energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; the application of circularity to product design; maintaining sustainable food and water resources; and the shift from technology-driven progress in industry to a human-centric and sustainable approach. We will partner with other technical groups in HFES on topics that overlap with sustainability.

The System Development Technical Group offers a forum for fostering research and exchanging information on the integration of human factors and ergonomics into the development of systems. Members are concerned with defining human factors/ergonomics activities and integrating them into the system development process in order to enable systems that meet user requirements. Specific topics of interest include the system development process itself; developing tools and methods for predicting and assessing human capabilities and limitations, notably modeling and simulation; creating principles that identify the role of humans in the use, operation, maintenance, and control of systems; applying human factors and ergonomics data and principles to the design of human-system interfaces; and the full integration of human requirements into system and product design through the application of Human Systems Integration (HSI) methods to ensure technical and programmatic integration of human considerations into systems acquisition and product development processes. the impact of increasing computerization, and stress and workload effects on performance.
PDF with additional information  |  SDTG Leadership Directory

The Training Technical Group (TTG) serves as a hub that provides a mechanism for information interchange among people interested in various human factors areas of application through comprehensive training initiatives and training research. The TTG allows professionals, academics, researchers, students, and practitioners to share their recent work related to training in transport safety, healthcare, defence, and many other areas. By providing access to cutting-edge research, best practices, and expert guidance, the TTG empowers its members to improve system performance, optimize human capabilities, develop innovative training for human-machine teaming, and ultimately enhance safety and performance outcomes across diverse industries.
PDF with additional information  |  Website  |  TTG Leadership Directory

The Usability and System Evaluation Technical Group focuses on the quantitative and qualitative methods that human factors and ergonomics professionals apply when evaluating the usability, usefulness, and utility of interface designs and concepts for hardware, software, products, and services. Test design and evaluation are core skills for human factors and user experience professionals who are dedicated to rigorously and defensibly measuring human-system performance, workload, situational awareness, ease of use, system trust, safety, or user acceptance. Testing can be formative, summative, comparative, or iterative and can be conducted across a broad range of program management and system development processes including waterfall and agile (among others). Of particular interest to this technical group are the tools, techniques, and methodologies applied during testing and system evaluation to include: test design and measurement approaches, practical implications of results and best practices, impact on interface design and the user experience, and lessons learned.  Note: formerly named Test and Evaluation Technical Group.  Name changed to Usability and System Evaluation Technical Group in April, 2019.
PDF with additional information  |  USETG Leadership Directory

*Note that HFES Technical Groups maintain their own web sites.