HFES Job Fair

The HFES Job Fair at the 67th International Annual Meeting taking place in Washington, DC will provide a forum for employers to find talent and for job seekers to discover potential roles for the next phase in their careers. The Job Fair can help facilitate connections and provides helpful career-related information and resources to both employers and job seekers.

The Job Fair offers access to a large network of highly qualified HF/E professionals. More than 40% of HFES members hold a doctorate, 33% hold a master's degree, and about 15% hold a bachelor's degree.​ 

Whether you are an organization looking to hire or are on the job market looking for your next opportunity, we hope the Job Fair can help you in your search.

Job Fair Hours:

  • ​Tuesday, October 24: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday, October 25: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Thursday, October 26: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

For Job Seekers: FREE

Candidates seeking new career opportunities are encouraged to visit with participating employers in the Job Fair…it’s FREE! Some employers will have literature display tables and personnel for impromptu discussions. Others will engage in on-site interviewing in semi-private booths. Employers, not HFES, organize the scheduling of any formal interviewing taking place on-site in Washington, DC. 

Job seekers attending the International Annual Meeting, do not need to register for the Job Fair, and should bring copies of CVs/resumes and search the online Job Board in advance of the meeting to apply and potentially meet interviewers onsite.  Some employers will conduct on-site job interviews.  Arrangements for these take place directly between the employer and the job seeker.  

For Employers:

The HFES Job Fair is available to any organization seeking talent and all employers are invited to reserve booths or tables. In order to participate, employers are required to have at least one current job posting via the HFES online Job Board. Please note that the available packages include resume searching.

To start the process, please use the Job Fair Registration Form.

Employers are encouraged to post job openings via the online Job Board in advance of the Annual Meeting in order to provide candidates ample time to search job openings and employers time to review résumés and schedule meetings with potential candidates. The scheduling of formal or informal interviews at the International Symposium is the sole responsibility of the employer. Once your online posting is live, you will receive resumes from interested candidates that you can reach out to for scheduled onsite discussions. ​

Participating companies must purchase one of the following packages:​

Job Fair - Located in International Ballroom East Section

  • Premium job posting at $450, includes an online job posting for 60 days, branded employer profile, complete applicant tracking system, full resume export of your applicants, SEO and mobile optimization, and all increased visibility option
  • Enhanced job posting at $400, includes an online job posting for 60 days, includes an online job posting for 60 days, branded employer profile, complete applicant tracking system, full resume export of your applicants, SEO and mobile optimization, and some increased visibility options
  • Basic job posting at $325, includes an online job posting for 60 days, branded employer profile, complete applicant tracking system, full resume export of your applicants, and SEO and mobile optimization​

*Please mention in your online job postings that your company will be taking part in the Job Fair at the 67th International Annual Meeting.

Each participating company will receive two complimentary badges for attending personnel. The limit for each space is no more than two personnel at any one time given the size of the Job Fair. Please note, Job Fair employer personnel who are not registered for the Annual Meeting will not have access to the rest of the conference--only the Job Fair space. ​


  • Booth: $250 + cost of one online job posting - These spaces are 8’ x 10’ with 8’ pipe and drape separation from neighbors and so they are semi-private but not soundproof spaces. The company name on sign, a table, and two chairs are provided. Includes one job listing to be posted on the on-site bulletin board at the job fair. One online job posting is needed, go to HFES Job Board for Pricing Options.​
  • Table: $125 + cost of one online job posting - These are great spaces to display your company literature and to have informal discussions with job seekers. Includes one job listing to be posted on the on-site bulletin board at the job fair. One online job posting is needed, go to HFES Job Board for Pricing Options.
  • On-Site Bulletin Board Job Posting and Resume Collection - (For companies who will not take part via booth or table) 
    • One online job posting is needed, go to HFES Job Board for Pricing Options
    • Bring or send us your job posting and we will post it for you on the on-site bulletin board at the Job Fair
    • Postings are limited to one single, single-sided 8½” x 11” sheet of paper)
    • HFES staff will collect paper resumes from candidates interested in employment with your organization
    • We will ship collected resumes to your designated contact ASAP following the Annual Meeting


  1. No standing banners or other displays may be erected outside of your purchased space
  2. No displays will be allowed to be set up outside of the Job Fair room
  3. No materials may be affixed to walls or other hotel property

HFES is not liable for any property or materials in the Job Fair.