Student Career and Professional Development Day

Student Career and Professional Development Day is Monday, October 23.  HFES holds a full day of program dedicated to the professional development of student members during the annual meeting. Interactive panels and presentations focus on job search, transition and early career success, diversity, mentorship, and networking.  

A CSE Superpower – Bridging the Gap between Cognitive Requirements and UX Design

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM

Abstract: The relationship between the visual structure of a design and the constraints and relationships of the domain itself is fundamental to the effectiveness of the visualization. Cognitive Systems Engineering (CSE) is centered at the intersection of humans, real-world work, and the tools that support that work. Applied Cognitive Systems Engineering (ACSE) is RCS’s specific methodology for doing CSE with engineering rigor. One small piece of that methodology is to bridge the gap and achieve mission effectiveness. This workshop will cover the basics of this mapping process with hands-on practice. Starting with an example of cognitive requirements, we'll delve into how that translation is accomplished. Armed with these basics, attendees will tackle spanning that gap in small groups, with instructor guidance throughout. The workshop will round out with a share-back from two of the groups for discussion and takeaways.

Workshop tools: We will work in small groups to gain hands on experience designing to meet defined requirements on a Miro board. Join the workshop board, here:

  • Requirements for attendees: BYO tablet or laptop - any device on which you can jump into a Miro board and create wireframes and mockups using basic shapes and sketching. 
  • Miro account - Miro is a web tool for visual collaboration. You will need a free Miro account- free/quick account setup at:  Miro works optimally via an app (, but works well in a browser, too, with no install needed.

How-To: Improving Your Application Materials

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Abstract: In this Q&A panel session, leading human factors professionals across academia, government, and industry will provide insight into what they look for on an applicant’s resume and what helped them secure their first position post-graduation. These panelists have experience on both sides of this process and will guide attendees with concrete suggestions about how to make a resume or research statement stand out from other applicants. In the second half of this session, panelists will offer personalized feedback on attendee materials in a speed-dating style workshop. By the end of this session, attendees will leave informed about what employers across several domains are looking for on a resume and easy-to-implement tips to improve their application materials.

The Significance of Universal Design: Case Studies of the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

1:45 PM - 3:00 PM

Abstract: Universal Design is the design and composition of buildings, products, or environments for accessible and meaningful use by the maximum number of users possible. This interactive panel will highlight positive and negative case studies of universal design as well as human factors professionals’ “lessons learned.” Following panelists’ presentations, a 30-minute Q&A session will surround topics of how to incorporate human-centered design/inclusive design/participatory design processes into research, the importance of systems-thinking, and how various social and medical models of marginalized groups may impact design. Students will leave this session looking through a new, more inclusive, lens to examine the world as well as their own work.

HF/E Network Speed Dating Session

3:15 PM - 4:30 PM

Abstract: In this interactive session students will engage in rapid, informal networking sessions with HF/E professionals from various sectors and career levels. Every 15 minutes a new professional will visit small groups of students to provide career advice and answer any questions students have about working in their respective industry and/or role. This session will help students broaden their professional circles and learn about the myriad career paths available to a HF/E grad.