Changes to the Submission Process

Our continuous improvement efforts have resulted in several changes to the submission process for HFES 2024 ASPIRE. Some of these strategic changes are highlighted below: 

  • Initial submissions will be in the form of a shorter, structured abstract (not a formatted paper submission) where you will supply information in four distinct sections - Objectives, Approach, Findings, and Takeaways. Based on historical feedback, we needed to create a proposal submission format that is more universally applicable to all audiences that we desire to have attend our meeting - academics, researchers, practitioners, industry, and government/military professionals. 
  • Sessions will be sixty minutes (three 20-minute presentations in each session)
  • We accept supplementary information as part of the abstract submission process.  This may include tables, figures, datasets, and statistical results, among other items. There is a file upload option near the bottom of the abstract submission form for these optional supplementary materials.
  • You will be asked to identify up to five keywords from a list that is shorter than in the past. The keywords are broader this year to allow easier identification of overlap amongst technical areas to create more collaborative and engaging sessions.
  • Choosing a Technical Group that most closely aligns with your submission will be OPTIONAL. This is to allow submitters who are not familiar with our Technical Groups to complete the submission process more easily. Technical Groups will still review papers that are relevant to them based on keywords and your indicated preference.
  • You'll also see a new submission option - Industry/Practitioner Case Studies. This will be a podium-style presentation aimed at presenting applied work from out in the field. We anticipate this will be appealing to some of our audience members and categorizing it separately during the submission process will help us assign appropriate reviewers. 
  • If your proposal is accepted for presentation, you will have three options related to publication in the proceedings to allow for submitters to have greater flexibility in what they share. If you choose the first option below, your full paper will be peer-reviewed.
    • expand your submission to a more traditional five-page (maximum) paper
    • publish the extended abstract
    • publish neither
    Papers may not be submitted during the initial stage.  Submission of a formatted paper of up to five pages is optional after decisions are communicated concerning submitted abstracts.  Both accepted abstracts and any optional accompanying papers will be published in the Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting.

The format of abstracts will be as follows with separate character-limited fields:

Objectives (up to 500 words):
Describe the problem or need, relevant background, specific goals, and aims driving the research or applied work, providing a clear roadmap for investigating, analyzing, and ultimately achieving the desired outcomes. Include key research questions, if applicable.

Approach (up to 250 words):
State the methods, processes, practices, or methodological framework employed to address the objectives.  

Findings (up to 250 words):
Summarize the main findings, novel outcomes or insights, patterns, or correlations relevant to the research questions (if applicable). Briefly describe how these findings contribute to the existing body of knowledge and practices in the field of human factors and ergonomics.

Takeaways (up to 250 words):
Describe the essential lessons and implications drawn from the findings. Offer practical insights or theoretical contributions that resonate beyond the immediate context of the study or applied work. By presenting actionable recommendations and thought-provoking insights, the takeaways underscore the impact and relevance of the work within the broader academic and practical landscape.

Supporting Information (1 PDF up to 10 pages)
If any charts, tables or graphics would be helpful to reviewers in evaluating your submission, please upload a file here. This file must not contain any identifying information, including submitter names or institutions.